Educational excellence in a caring Christian community that respects and celebrates diversity

Student Success Department

CMIS believes in providing students an education in the least restrictive environment possible. The Student Success Department (SSD) supports students and teachers in a variety of areas related to learning support. Students can be referred to and access these services through a teacher request, parent request, and student self-referral. Support given is based on the level of need.


CMIS SSD Level of Support

The majority of students receive SSD support through classroom instruction and accommodations that have been approved by the schools administration and SSD coordinator. The SSD goal is to work together with teachers, administrators, parents, and students for the betterment of all CMIS students.

CMIS believes that all students are language learners and provide in class support for learning English. The English Language Learner (ELL) support program is designed to meet the needs of students in Grades 1 to 10 who have been identified through admissions assessment (WIDA), or by their teachers as being in need of additional English-language support. Although ELL students are integrated into regular classrooms, they may be withdrawn from non-core subjects for extra English instruction as needed or appropriate. ELL students may also be enrolled in additional English courses to provide them with a more individualized approach. The goal of the ELL support program is to assist students to quickly become more confident and successful in their use of the English language in both academic and social situations.

Educational excellence in a caring Christian community that respects and celebrates diversity