Educational excellence in a caring Christian community that respects and celebrates diversity

Payment Schedule: New and Returning Students

The annual tuition and associated fees are billed in two equal installments; one for each semester.

New Student Payment

  • Once families have confirmed acceptance of enrollment, they will need to pay the one time enrollment fee, alumni association fee, and continuing enrollment deposit, all of which are non-refundable.

Semester 1: August – December

  • Semester 1 tuition & fees must be paid in full by 1 June. Tuition is refundable if CMIS receives notice of withdrawal in writing.
  • For students enrolled after 1 June, semester 1 tuition & fees are payable by the date set on the invoice.

Semester 2: January – June

  • Semester 2 tuition & fees must be paid in full by 1 December. Tuition is refundable if CMIS receives notice of withdrawal in writing.
  • For students enrolled after 1 December, semester 2 tuition & fees are payable by the date set on the invoice.
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Educational excellence in a caring Christian community that respects and celebrates diversity